May 30, 2008
The Friday Afterschool Show with Vivian Hou, Catalina Sanchez, Kristen Ho, Adrienne Massais, and Sadwhi T. 5-30-08
May 30, 2008
Re-Fried Radio Witth Austin Scharfstien (ICE) , Ryan Trombetta (righteous Ryan), Kurt Wheeler (DR.K), And Drew Exley (Brit). Today is brits birthday and also the end of the re-fried revolution, will the re-fried radio end or will the hope of many carry it on?
May 30, 2008
Nearly Sophomoric Pleasant Segues Prom Edition with Matt Genna, Achille Alipour, Raj Rawal, Tim O’Connor, Kate Broughton and Cameron Ross 5-30-08
May 30, 2008
Period 1 team show with Briana Taft, Scott Martin, Nikil Ramanathan, Allie Briffa and Priyanka Tilve